Title: Unexpected Fall
Series: Unexpected Arrivals #3
Series: Unexpected Arrivals #3
Author: Kaylee Ryan
Genre: New Adult Romance
Cover Design: Perfect Pear Creative Covers
Photo: Eric Battershell
Model: Corey Mortenson
Cover Design: Perfect Pear Creative Covers
Photo: Eric Battershell
Model: Corey Mortenson
Release Date: October 10, 2019
Life is full of ups and downs. Events that shape who you
are, even those that are filled with heartbreak and tragedy.
What do you do when actions bring devastation?
How do you pick up the pieces and keep moving forward?
One breath.
One second.
One minute.
One hour.
One day at a time, you learn to live with your unexpected fall.
What do you do when actions bring devastation?
How do you pick up the pieces and keep moving forward?
One breath.
One second.
One minute.
One hour.
One day at a time, you learn to live with your unexpected fall.
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Author Bio
Kaylee Ryan is a New York Times and USA Today Bestselling
author. When she’s not spinning tales of happily ever after, she’s
reading or spending time with family. Born and raised an Ohio girl,
Kaylee resides in Cincinnati with her husband and their son.
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